Skateboarding is a great way to get around, have fun, and stay active. Whether you’re new to skateboarding tricks or looking to add some new ones to your repertoire, this article will explain some of the best skateboard tricks.
Remember, when you’re first learning a new trick, it’s important to start small and gradually build up to the full trick. For example, if you’re trying to learn a kickflip, start by just popping the board into the air and then catching it with your other hand.
Once you’ve mastered that, you can start working on flipping the board all the way around. The more you practice a particular trick, the better you’ll become at it. So, don’t get discouraged if you don’t nail a trick on your first try.
If you’re having trouble landing a particular trick, don’t be afraid to ask for help from a friend or fellow skater. They may be able to give you some tips on how to land the trick or even show you how it’s done.
Also, if you’re having trouble visualising a particular trick, try watching skate videos online. This can help you see how the trick is supposed to be done and also give you some ideas on how to execute it.
Remember to have fun and don’t get too frustrated if you can’t land a trick right away. Just keep practising, and eventually, you’ll get it!
- Basic Tricks
- Flip and Shove-It Tricks
- Grind and Slide Tricks
- Air, Grab, Bowl and Ramp Tricks
- Footplant Tricks
- Balance Tricks
- Miscellaneous Freestyle and Old School Tricks
Basic tricks
The ollie is the most fundamental skateboarding trick and the basis for almost all other tricks. It’s a move where the skater uses their feet to pop the board into the air and then land back on it.
How to do an ollie
Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and place your front foot slightly behind the centre of the board.
Bend your knees and crouch down, keeping your weight over your toes.
Place your back foot on the tail of the board and push down with your front foot to pop the board into the air.
As the board pops into the air, jump up and use your back foot to slide off the tail and land back on the board.
Ride away cleanly and repeat!
- Ollie north – A variation where the skater grabs the nose of the board with their front hand while they’re in mid-air.
- Ollie south – The skater grabs the tail of the board with their back hand while they’re in mid-air.
- Ollie over – The skater grabs the nose of their board with their front hand and swings their legs over the top of their board while they’re in mid-air.
Flip and shove-it tricks
How to do a kickflip
Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and place your front foot slightly behind the centre of the board.
Bend your knees and crouch down, keeping your weight over your toes.
Place your back foot on the tail of the board and push down with your front foot to pop the board into the air.
As the board pops into the air, use your back foot to flick the nose of the board up and over your front foot.
Catch the board with your front hand and land back on the tail with your back foot to ride away cleanly. Repeat!
- Frontside flip and backside flip – Variation that adds a 180-degree spin to the move.
- Heelflip – A variation where the skater kicks the board with their heel instead of their toe.
- Pop shove-it – A classic skateboarding trick where the skater pops the board into the air and then shoves it underneath their feet before catching it and riding away.
- 360 Shove-It – Adds a 360-degree spin to the pop shove-it.
Grind and slide tricks
50-50 grind
A basic skateboarding trick where the skater grinds the trucks of their board on a ledge, pipe or rail.
How to do a 50-50 grind
Approach the rail or ledge you want to grind with speed and place your front foot in the centre of the board.
Ollie up onto the rail or ledge and then quickly place your back foot in the centre of the board.
Lean back and let your trucks grind on the surface until you reach the end of the rail or ledge.
Jump off cleanly and ride away!
- 5-0 grind – The skater grinds only their rear truck on the rail or ledge.
- Nose grind – A variation where the skater grinds only their front truck.
- Tail grind – A variation of the 50-50 grind where the skater grinds their rear truck.
- Feeble grind – The feeble grind is a variation of the 50-50 grind where the skater grinds their rear truck on the rail or ledge and their front truck hangs off the side. The name comes from the fact that it looks like the skater is feeble, or weak, since their front truck isn’t actually grinding.
- Smith grind – The smith grind is a variation of the 50-50 grind where the skater grinds their rear truck on the rail or ledge and their front truck is turned perpendicular to the surface. The name comes from the fact that it looks like the skater is doing a one-handed handstand, similar to a move called a ‘smith’ in gymnastics.
Air, grab, bowl and ramp tricks
Air tricks
- Airwalk – The air walk is a skateboarding trick where the skater ollies into the air and then grabs the nose of their board with their leading hand while simultaneously kicking their back leg up and over the top of the board. This trick is similar to the frontside plant, but the skater doesn’t grab the board with their other hand.
- Crossfoot air – The skater ollies into the air and then grabs the heel edge of their board with their leading hand while simultaneously kicking their legs out to the side.
- Darkslide air – A variation where the skater grabs the toe edge of their board.
The grab
The grab is a basic skateboarding trick where the skater grabs the board in mid-air and then lands back on the ground.
How to do a grab
Ollie into the air and then quickly reach down and grab the board with the hand that’s closest to it.
Place your other hand on the deck of the board for balance and then land back on the ground.
- Indy grab – A variation where the skater grabs the toe edge of their board between their feet with their leading hand.
- Tail grab – The skater grabs the tail of their board in mid-air
- Frontside air – A variation of the tail grab where the skater grabs the nose of their board instead of the tail.
- Indy grab – A variation of the tail grab where the skater grabs the deck of their board between their feet instead of grabbing the tail.
- Method grab – Skater grabs the nose of their board instead of grabbing the deck between their feet.
- Melon grab – A variation where the skater grabs the front truck of their board.
- Seatbelt grab – The seatbelt grab is a variation of the melon grab where the skater grabs the deck of their board between their legs instead of grabbing the front truck.
- Stalefish grab – The stalefish grab is a variation of the indy grab where the skater grabs the back of their board instead of grabbing the deck between their feet.
Bowl and ramp tricks
Bowl skating is a specific type of skateboarding that’s done in empty swimming pools or partially filled pools. Ramp skating is done on half-pipes, quarter pipes and other types of ramps. Bowl skating and ramp skating generally require more speed than street skating and the tricks are often more technical.
- Backside air – A basic skateboarding trick where the skater ollies into the air and then grabs the heel edge of their board with their leading hand.
- Frontside air – The skater grabs the toe edge of their board instead of the heel edge.
- Method air – A variation of the frontside air where the skater grabs the nose of their board.
- Ollie air – A variation where the skater doesn’t grab their board but lets it float behind them while they perform the trick.
- Alley-Oop – The alley-oop is a skateboarding trick where the skater ollies into the air and then grabs the nose of their board with their leading hand while simultaneously kicking their legs out to the side. This trick was named after basketball because it resembles a player shooting a hook shot.
- Boneless – The skater ollies into the air and then grabs the nose of their board with their leading hand while simultaneously kicking their back leg up and over the top of the board.
- Darkslide – The skater ollies into the air and then grabs the heel edge of their board with their leading hand while simultaneously kicking their legs out to the side.
Footplant tricks
Footplant tricks are a specific type of skateboarding trick where the skater uses their feet to ‘plant’ the board on an object and then ride away.
- Bean plant – A skateboarding trick where the skater ollies into the air and then grabs the nose of their board with their leading hand while simultaneously kicking their back leg up and over the top of the board.
- Crossfoot plant – The skater ollies into the air and then grabs the heel edge of their board with their leading hand while simultaneously kicking their legs out to the side.
- Frontside plant – The skater ollies into the air and then grabs the nose of their board with their leading hand while simultaneously kicking their back leg up and over the top of the board.
Balance tricks
- Handstand – The skater stands on their hands and balances the board on their feet.
- One-footed nose ride – The skater balances on the nose of their board with only one foot while keeping the other foot off the board.
- One-footed tail ride – The skater balances on the tail of their board with only one foot while keeping the other foot off the board.
Miscellaneous freestyle and old-school tricks
- Bunny hop – The skater ollies into the air and then kicks their legs out to the side, causing the board to spin around in a circle.
- Casper slide – The skater ollies into the air and then grabs the nose of their board with their leading hand while simultaneously kicking their back leg up and over the top of the board.
- Crossfoot slide – A variation where the skater grabs the heel edge.
- Darkslide – A variation where the skater grabs the toe edge.
Best skateboard tricks round-up
So, those are some of the best skateboard tricks that you can learn! If you’re not quite getting a new trick and keep hitting the deck, don’t give up.
Get back on your board whenever you can and keep practising. With a little bit of practice, you’ll be nailing those tricks in no time!
For more skateboarding tricks, how-tos and all things skateboarding, check out our skateboarding blog.